
Would you like to build a coaching business that inspires you, earn great income and make an incredible impact as a women’s business coach?


Become a Fempire Certified Business Coach, make money and make a difference doing what you love.

To build a successful coaching business that you love to wake up to everyday, you’ll need the following:

  • A business coaching curriculum. We support you with a complete business coaching curriculum to step your clients through.

  • Proven business growth strategies. We show you how to grow an inspiring coaching business using proven marketing strategies that attract more clients.

  • Easy to deliver training and content. We provide Fempire training programs and content to deliver to your coaching clients.

  • A comprehensive online academy for your clients. We have an online training platform that has been designed to support both you and your clients.
  • A coaching model plus pricing. We provide a tried and tested coaching model with recommended pricing as a guide for you.


  • Your own coach. You will have your own expert Fempire Master Coach to coach you through the certification training and to call on for support.

  • A sisterhood of coaches. You’ll be part of a group of women who have each other’s backs so you never feel alone as a coach, or a woman in business.

  • Passive income streams. A passive income model is built into our certified coach deliverables.

  • Ongoing training and support. We offer ongoing training, workshops, networking and support and set you up with incredible resources to ensure you thrive.

You will be your own boss, earn great income and be fully supported to succeed as a Fempire Certified Coach coach and entrepreneur.


We make it easy.

You don’t need to know everything straight way, or go it alone.


To find out what other Fempire Coaches have to say CLICK HERE

Would you like to find out what it takes to become a Fempire Coach?

Fill in the form below and we will be in touch to book a call.


“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

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