Magazine // Fempire Team
Personal Growth

Bridging Science and ‘Woo-Woo’: Two Scientific Discoveries and Five Great Leaders Changing How We View the World

Science is now helping us emerge from the cultural trance. That haves us believe we are just our physical bodies and there is nothing beyond the physical senses. Scientific breakthroughs are confirming what ancient spiritual teachers have been saying for thousands of years: There is more to you than meets the eye. "The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a great disservice to them both."Carl Sagan Feeling compelled to write this article because...

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A woman holding a cylinder looking scared inside science laboratory.
Business SuccessPersonal Growth

7 Powerful Strategies to Help You Get Through Those Days When You Just Want to Give Up on Your Dream

Do you not usually one to focus your time and energy on things that aren’t working because you're acutely aware that “What we focus on grows and expands” and all of that. And yet, we also think there’s enormous value in sharing our vulnerability and real-life struggles so that we know we’re not alone and so that we can help each other through them. And sometimes we have days where it all just feels really hard. It’s OK to feel that way every now and then. It’s part of the natural cycle...

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A female entrepreneur holding a signage that says HELP.
Business SuccessPersonal Branding

7 Ways To Be An Inspiring Leader In Small Business

Those of us who choose to be a small business owner are in some way required to step into leadership, even if we’re not explicitly aware of it. When I quit my corporate career of almost fifteen years it wasn’t because I wanted to become a leader. I had taken on various leadership roles throughout my career and enjoyed the opportunity to lead, support, and inspire others. But I quit my corporate career because I wanted to experience more joy in my work. More creativity, more authentic...

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Woman standing in front of board that say leader

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