Women’s Intuition: Using it to be a Better Business Leader

Women’s Intuition: Using it to be a Better Business Leader

In traditional business, we are expected to be analytical and rational. Whereas intuition, particularly a woman’s, is often touted as mythical or ‘woo-woo’. It’s for this reason that following your instincts is often frowned upon when it comes to making business decisions. However, more and more women are coming to the forefront of leadership and our intuition is what differentiates us from our male counterparts.

The Risky Woman’s Business: Why You Need to Take More Chances

The Risky Woman’s Business: Why You Need to Take More Chances

Do you consider yourself a risk-taker? I hope your answer is yes! Taking risks is a part of life and being able to make major decisions is pivotal for any business owner.

However, if you aren’t afraid to take big risks, you’re one of the few women who actually consider themselves to be risk-takers. It’s sad but true. Women take fewer risks than men do in business. However, while women don’t tend to take traditional risks, I have no doubt that women are, and can be, fabulous risk-takers.

15 Great Books that Every Female Entrepreneur Needs to Read

15 Great Books that Every Female Entrepreneur Needs to Read

Here’s a list of fifteen books that I think every female entrepreneur needs to read. These are my favourites and the ones that have had the biggest impact on me. Whether you’re just starting out or you have an established business, the following books are guaranteed to give you many “ah-ha!” moments and inspiration. After all, there’s always more to learn. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did.


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