Are you comfortable telling your prospects what makes you so great at what you do? If not, you need to learn the Three Business Superpowers!
When it comes to marketing and selling your products or services, people will only know why they should work with you if you tell them.
We recently learned a technique which we like to call Your Three Business Superpowers.
Your superpowers summarise:
- What makes you so great at what you do.
- Why your clients choose you.
Once you know what your superpowers are, you should tell people about them!
Market them across your social media channels, write a blog or video about them, and get them onto your website for your prospects to see.
Learn how to succinctly describe your superpowers to your prospects during sales conversations and watch how your conversion rates increase easily and effortlessly!
Your superpowers allow your prospects to quickly and easily identify if you’re a good fit to work together and if they resonate with you and your brand.
There’s a format you need to follow when articulating your superpowers.
Be sure to keep it clear and succinct (and the rule ‘less is more’ applies here).
There’s a format you need to follow when articulating your superpowers. Be sure to keep it clear and succinct.
Here’s the format:
- A ‘green brain’ (i.e. emotional/powerful) name.
- The background or story that makes your superpower important.
- Your superpower.
- The result for your client.
To give you some inspiration, we will share our business superpowers, as well as the Fempire superpowers.
We hope you’ll use these examples to develop your own descriptions.
Personal Superpowers
Three business superpowers are (based on what our clients have told us):
- I’m a lightning-fast strategic thinker and problem solver.
- I’m kind and compassionate while also being results and action-oriented.
- I easily cut through the noise to focus on what matters most in your business.
If you’re not sure what yours might be, ask your clients!
Here’s an example of how you would break down one of these superpowers further for your clients, using the format we will given you:
You should be a lightning-fast strategic thinker and problem solver.
Business is a constant game of problem-solving and strategising.
You need to constantly troubleshoot your marketing strategies, develop compelling ways to sell your products or services, and come up with innovative ways to serve your clients to get results.
This is where our first superpower comes in handy, which is our lightning-fast ability to solve problems.
[Your superpower] For example: I have a highly technical background, spending four years completing my PhD and then 15 years as a consulting engineer on large water projects worldwide.
My highly analytical mind allows me to diagnose your business quickly.
[The result for you as a client] What this means for you is that I help you cut straight to the core of what needs to be done to generate profit as quickly as possible.
No more spinning wheels or wasting time or money, I help you get on the straight and narrow quickly and easily.
Do you get the idea?
To give you some more examples and inspiration, here are Fempire’s three business superpowers and a breakdown of one of them.
Fempire’s Three Business Superpowers
- We’re an unapologetically female-focused brand.
- We have a 12-step Business Breakthrough Formula that provides a business-building roadmap for you.
- We have a Sisterhood Community for success.
Breakdown of superpower #1
Our brand unapologetically focuses on women.
Our experience has shown us that women learn differently, run our lives differently, and we think differently.
And the only person who really gets this is another woman.
Unapologetically female-focused brand.
All of our business coaches are women.
We intimately understand how to support women in thriving in business, based on their unique ways of achieving success.
[The result for you as a client] You feel fully understood and supported as a woman in business, which allows you to find business success more quickly, not to mention easily.
Start Brainstorming
So what are your business superpowers and how will you articulate them succinctly to your prospects?
We urge you to take the time to brainstorm your superpowers because this level of clarity will greatly accelerate your sales conversions.
Because it’s time for you to go out and find your 3 business superpowers! Use the examples we have given in this article and let me know how you go!
Do you aspire to be a powerful business coach? We can help you with that!
We’re currently on the lookout for enthusiastic female entrepreneurs and business coaches to join the Fempire movement by becoming Fempire Certified Coaches! We’ll provide you with the resources, support, and training you need to become an expert coach for women in business.
This is your opportunity to become a female leader with the support of a powerful sisterhood!
You can find out more about becoming a Fempire Certified Coach here!

This was written by one of our talented team members. Head to our About Fempire page to learn more about what Fempire does and how you can join the sisterhood. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, or Pinterest by clicking the buttons below.