Magazine // Fempire Team
Business SuccessOnline MarketingSocial Media

The 10 Most Important Tactics That Will Set Your Business Up For Success

You have passion, a huge vision and a burning desire to get your work and message into the world through your business. But, how do you navigate your way through the mountains of conflicting information out there? How do you know which advice to follow, or what to focus on first in order to set your business up for success? Our mission at Fempire is to help you cut through all the noise and help you focus on what matters most when it comes to establishing yourself as a sustainable,...

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Business SuccessEmpowerment

How to be a Mother and Successfully Grow a Business and Family at the Same Time

Being a working mother requires an almost supernatural ability to keep dozens of balls in the air simultaneously. And if you’re a Mother who’s chosen to grow your own business while simultaneously raising children, you’ve taken on the ultimate challenge. Many of us choose to become an entrepreneur because we’re passionate about our business vision and we want to have the flexibility and freedom to fit in around our children and their needs. But the harsh reality is that juggling...

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A mother and daughter cooking together.
Business SuccessPersonal Growth

Does Gender Matter When it Comes to Choosing the Right Mentor?

A Female Perspective on the Role of Gender in Professional Mentoring Relationships. Gender isn’t something I’ve ever attached a lot of significance to because I believe that men and women are equally competent and necessary in the workplace. Growing up as the middle child of three sisters, and we were fortunate to have a loving father who instilled in us an enduring belief that we could do or be whatever we wanted, as long as we put our mind to it. My father was convinced that women belong...

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One man and two women entrepreneurs smiling.

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