Community, Empowerment
Do you dream of a world that is full of gender equality? We do – which is why we’re excited by the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day! If International Women’s Day is new to you, stick with me and I’ll explain.
Empowerment, Personal Growth
Did you know that businesses founded by women show significantly better financial returns, more than twice as much per dollar invested, than those that are male-led?
Yet, only 34% of businesses in Australia are owned and operated by women. Why is this the case? The short answer is – the Confidence Gap.
Business Success, Empowerment
Lists are vital to remind us of things we need to do, they can also lead us down a path of procrastination if we don’t prioritise the items on them correctly. Here are my tips for getting the important tasks done first.
Empowerment, Social Media
Do you find the Christmas season exhausting? The kids are finishing up the school year, shopping centres are overrun with people on the hunt for the perfect presents, and all of the extended family comes out of the woodwork to enjoy the Christmas celebration...KEEP READING
Empowerment, Personal Growth
Do you consider yourself a risk-taker? I hope your answer is yes! Taking risks is a part of life and being able to make major decisions is pivotal for any business owner.
However, if you aren’t afraid to take big risks, you’re one of the few women who actually consider themselves to be risk-takers. It’s sad but true. Women take fewer risks than men do in business. However, while women don’t tend to take traditional risks, I have no doubt that women are, and can be, fabulous risk-takers.
Empowerment, Personal Growth
Who comes to mind when you hear the word entrepreneur? Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Sheryl Sandberg, Gina Reinhardt, Janine Ellis? While these are all great examples of entrepreneurs. The problem with only thinking about famous women is that they make it seem...KEEP READING
Business Success, Empowerment
If you think that a business coach might be able to help you in your business, there are a few things that you need to work out before you start looking. When I started doing my initial research into becoming a coach, I was saddened with the number of people who were disappointed with their business coaching experience. So I’ve written this guide, in the hopes that it gives you an idea of the process you should go through before engaging a coach.
Empowerment, Personal Growth
Here’s a list of fifteen books that I think every female entrepreneur needs to read. These are my favourites and the ones that have had the biggest impact on me. Whether you’re just starting out or you have an established business, the following books are guaranteed to give you many “ah-ha!” moments and inspiration. After all, there’s always more to learn. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did.