Magazine // Fempire Team
Business SuccessEmpowerment

Find the Perfect Business Coach and Achieve Amazing Results

If you think that a business coach might be able to help you in your business, there are a few things that you need to work out before you start looking. When I started doing my initial research into becoming a coach, I was saddened with the number of people who were disappointed with their business coaching experience. So I've written this guide, in the hopes that it gives you an idea of the process you should go through before engaging a coach.

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EmpowermentPersonal Growth

15 Great Books that Every Female Entrepreneur Needs to Read

Here’s a list of fifteen books that I think every female entrepreneur needs to read. These are my favourites and the ones that have had the biggest impact on me. Whether you’re just starting out or you have an established business, the following books are guaranteed to give you many “ah-ha!” moments and inspiration. After all, there’s always more to learn. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did.

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Business SuccessOnline MarketingSales

How To Boost Your Revenue Quickly With Google Reviews

Google reviews are an extremely powerful tool to attract clients and boost your revenue quickly. Did you know that they can help you to rank more highly in Google search results than businesses who use paid advertising or advanced (SEO) Search Engine Optimisation? Google reviews are an underestimated tool that can drastically increase your visibility and credibility, bringing you a consistent flow of leads and clients. In this article I’m going to explain how and why Google reviews are so powerful and how you can use them to your advantage.

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Personal Growth

Is Your Messy Desk Messing with Your Mindset?

I am a big believer in my desk being representative of my brain. If it is piled high with paperwork, pens, dishes and everything my kids just dumped on me - it’s just simply overwhelming. I can’t find things and I miss deadlines because things are buried. I don’t like being caught off guard, so when vital information is sitting under a plate with a crust of Vegemite sandwich on it, it’s an unnecessary stress on me - and really it’s just gross.

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EmpowermentPersonal Growth

How Steep is the Climb to Business Success?

If you have ever tackled the challenge of climbing a mountain (even a small one), you will understand how emotional it can be.  As the peak gets closer, the more exhausted you become and the further away things feel. Building a business can be like that. You start out your entrepreneurial journey full of enthusiasm and hope that the view from the top will be worth the trek. It can be tough going as you work your way through that mountain of business growth - but get to the top and it...

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Business Success

The 6 Stages of Business Growth – and 3 Important Reasons Why You Need to Know Which One You’re In

Did you start your own business because you were tired of the constraints of your job and you craved more freedom and flexibility? Perhaps you don’t like working for someone else and you wanted to be your own boss? Or maybe you went into business because you have a product or service that you’re passionate about and you love making a difference in the lives of others through your work. There are so many benefits to working for yourself, and being your own boss really is a beautiful...

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