Hi there lovely!
My name is Treah Knight – I am a Fempire Coach, women’s empowerment advocate, writer, beach lover, wife, and mother to three beautiful kids.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little about why I do what I do.
My mission in business is to empower women to step into their greatness with the right balance of grace, flow and grit and to help all women discover their true potential to create a heart-driven, profitable business that lights them up.
I believe that when women are lit up, supported and fulfilled, we are positioned to change the world by leading with courage and compassion – both in our family lives and in how we do business.
The world is in desperate need of the ideas, gifts and talents that women have to share, and I am here to help women make an impact and an income!
I challenge the narrative that women can’t ‘have it all’, and I have walked the path that many women find themselves on.
I challenge the narrative that women can’t ‘have it all’, and I have walked the path that many women find themselves on.
I have spent years experimenting with how I can ‘have it all’, balancing motherhood with my version of success.
I’ve had careers in several diverse and challenging fields, including corporate administration, marketing, communications, copywriting, business ownership, and even critical care nursing.
Yep, you heard me correctly.
Marketer, turned specialist nurse, turned entrepreneur. It is safe to say I have a few skills and a fair bit of knowledge in my toolbelt.
I make no apologies for not taking the straight and predictable path to where I am today.
Stepping out of my comfort zone time and again, I didn’t give up until I found my true calling of business coaching.
I have built resilience, knowledge, determination and compassion for myself, others and the world around me.
And I believe that experience is our greatest teacher, and sharing this is our greatest gift to others.
I do this through coaching.
Entrepreneurship is something I just can’t not do.
I am a trained copywriter, have worked in content creation, communications, and marketing. My entrepreneurial endeavours have included starting an interior design business, running a profitable MLM and a freelance copywriting business.
My husband and I also have an accounting practice, which is his profession but has been a joint venture from the outset. Entrepreneurship is in my blood, I’m either creating businesses or helping others to do so…I just can’t help myself!
Entrepreneurship is in my blood, I’m either creating businesses or helping others to do so…I just can’t help myself!
Listen to your intuition, here’s why.
I have always felt like an entrepreneur, and have an inner knowing that I am meant to be carving my own path.
I suppose only an entrepreneur will know what I mean when I say this, but luckily if you are reading this there is a high chance that you are one!
You’ll also know then, that when you don’t listen to that inner knowing, things can start to feel less than ideal.
Not so long ago, I was working as a critical care nurse in a busy hospital – often dealing with extremely high stakes situations like resuscitations and cardiac arrests. I was tired, restless and very unsure what I could possibly do to change it. I felt stuck.
This ‘stuck’ feeling, I believe, was due to a disconnect between what I was actually doing and what I was born to be doing – I felt my work was important, however, there was a constant nagging sensation that something was missing.
In my experience this will show itself one way or another as cracks begin to form in one or more areas of our lives. The majority of people simply get used to living in discomfort, but others are forced to sit up and pay attention. Some people experience this as an illness or near-death experience.
In my case, paying attention took the breakdown of my marriage.
In my case, paying attention took the breakdown of my marriage.
There was no one thing that led to my husband and I separating. It was a build-up of quiet and seemingly harmless things.
It was a lack of communication, neither of us feeling personal fulfilment. It was career fatigue. It was the loss of small traditions. It was avoiding having hard conversations and not fully supporting each other in daring to dream.
We had been trying for a third baby for two years, and when I had a second heartbreaking miscarriage, I emotionally shut down.
We had two beautiful kids, I worked hard in a job I felt was important, yet I had nothing left to give myself, or my relationship. That’s the thing about neglecting yourself, it’s not selfless or heroic but rather the opposite.
The thing about neglecting yourself is, it’s not selfless or heroic but rather the opposite. #selfcare #womensupportingwomen Click To TweetI had been ignoring my needs for such a long time, that it had resulted in a complete collapse of who I thought I was and how I wanted to show up in the world.
I was 30 years old and had moved back in with my mum, the kids with me half of the time, me pining for them the other half.
My family was broken and exhausted.
I was not living my best life! Not by a long shot!
The good thing about being at rock bottom is that the only place to go is back up.
I decided to focus on self-development.
It became clear to me that I had forgotten the creative and entrepreneurial part of myself, and I spent a lot of time allowing myself to heal and grow.
I began becoming the woman I wanted to be.
A more authentic and braver version of myself, and I started speaking and walking my truth.
A more authentic and braver version of myself, and I started speaking and walking my truth.
My husband and I found our way back to each other after two years apart, both of us better human beings, parents, partners.
We had our third beautiful baby.
It wasn’t easy but I wouldn’t change any of it.
I am proud to say that I am building the life of my dreams, running a business that I am extremely passionate about while showing up more consciously as the mum my kids deserve.
I never stop learning and growing, and every day I continue to learn with intention, the art of ‘having it all’.
The future is female.
Above all, I love supporting women entrepreneurs to succeed in growing a business that they adore.
Why? Because when women are empowered to earn what we deserve and back ourselves to do what we were born to do, we make a HUGE impact!
When women are empowered to earn what we deserve and back ourselves to do what we were born to do, we make a HUGE impact! Click To TweetMy goal as a coach is to deliver results-based support through planning, strategy, goal setting and mindset work to explode your profit and your confidence.
My passion, coupled with the diverse and challenging nature of my various professional and entrepreneurial roles, has equipped me with a unique skillset and a deep motivation to be a powerful business coach for women.
I connect strongly with my intuition, and I am able to see the potential in others and in their ideas, while also recognising the areas they may need support.
This is why business coaching with women is my dream career.
I adore being my own boss, building my own fempire, and I love supporting other women to build their own fempire too. It is so rewarding to see clients move through the six stages of business growth, and take their business from strength to strength.
I get to connect with amazing and talented women entrepreneurs and support them through every business success, achievement and milestone as well as every setback.
The idea that we should follow any certain predefined path in life is an illusion.
At any point in your journey, no matter who you are or what you have done before, you can simply decide to take a different route and step off the path that was laid down for you.
At any point in your journey, no matter who you are or what you have done before, you can simply decide to take a different route and step off the path that was laid down for you. Click To TweetI know this, because I have done it…. and if I can do it, then you can too!
I honestly believe that anything you can dream you can bring into your reality.

Yes, that includes your dream business, the profit you deserve and the freedom of being your own boss!
You just need the right support!
So if you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, restless, unsure of how to grow your business, or you’re ignoring your inner entrepreneur…. I see you, I hear you, I was you!
Now let’s get you the support you need!
Are you ready for me to help you take control of your business and experience the joy of ‘having it all’?
Let’s up-level your goals, productivity, profit and mindset so we can achieve ridiculous results together.
You can book a call now to get started! Book here
Please welcome Treah into the sisterhood and leave her a comment below!! xox

This was written by one of our talented team members. Head to our About Fempire page to learn more about what Fempire does and how you can join the sisterhood. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, or Pinterest by clicking the buttons below.
Welcome Treah! I so identify with your statement about empowerment. I have always believed that educated and empowered women change the world, and oh my goodness don’t we need women roaring in change right now. I look forward to meeting you soon, albeit virtually.
Couldn’t agree more Janie! #thefutureisfemale 💕
Hi Janie! Thank you so much for your support! It is amazing to know I am surrounded by like-minded, powerful women. I look forward to meeting you soon too.
So very happy to have you as a sister coach Treah! I look forward to all the amazing things all of us will accomplish as Fempire Coaches x
Absolutely Sam! 👑
Thank you Sam! I am beyond excited to be here too! It has been such an exciting ride so far and I can’t wait to see what the future holds x
Great article Treah – I love the idea of actively challenging the narrative that women can’t have it all! Welcome to the sisterhood 🙂
Hi Shelby. Thank you for your support. It is wonderful to be here and I look forward to meeting you soon.
So incredibly exciting to have you as one of our inspiring coaches Treah! Welcome to the coaching sisterhood. Marnie xox
Thank you Marnie! I could not have done any of it without your guidance and support. I am so happy to be here! xo
Welcome Treah! Great to have you on board 🙂
Hi Jo. Thank you so much for the warm welcome. What a powerhouse team I have joined. Bring on the rest of 2021 x
It’s so exciting to have you with us Treah! I can’t wait to work with you and so happy to share this journey with you 🙂 x
Thank you Kate for the warm welcome and continued support. I am so happy to be on this journey with you too xo