Mastering the art of creating impactful hashtags for a your business is a vital skill in today’s digital landscape.
Despite rumors suggesting otherwise, hashtags remain a potent tool for enhancing online visibility and engagement. They enable businesses to be easily discovered, connect with ideal customers, and drive traffic.
In this article, we’ll debunk the myth that hashtags are obsolete and explore how they can be a game-changer for your business.
Hashtags remain a powerful social media tool that:
- Makes you more easily discoverable
- Makes it easier for your ideal customer to find you/your product/your service
- Drives traffic
- Filters information
- Explores relevant subject matter
- Finds specific content
- Allows people to find interesting information
- Categorizes your brand
- Aids analyzing your competition
- Creates visibility for a cause, promotion, sale, or special offering
- Expands engagement with your target market
These benefits also save your target market something they’re always looking for…time…so be intentional with your hashtag choices.

Be intentional with your hashtag choices
The above infographic depicts the popular ways audiences are using these trending social media platforms. How can you use leverage the reasons why audiences are using these mediums into the creation of your hashtags? For example, if you own a salon, on Tumblr you could use #salonowners to convey a community of likeminded people and #haircaretips on Pinterest to showcase the latest trends.
Almost 10 years ago, I became a business coach. I had much to learn. Amongst other marketing strategies, I didn’t fully appreciate the power of hashtags. I understood that I needed to use them, but recognizing their influence wasn’t in my wheelhouse…yet!
I developed the powerful tag line, “TOGETHER, we’ll move mountains!”© which resonated with my target market, but that’s too long for a hashtag. What would my branded hashtag be? I tested #MoveMountains.
I used #MoveMountains on business cards, brochures, and social media posts. Every presentation and training I performed I ensured that #MoveMountains was prevalent. I found ways to weave “move mountains” into conversations. My out-of-the-office email signature stated, “While I’m away, I hope you #MoveMountains.” My text signature included #MoveMountains. Like the Franks Red Hot tag line, “I put that $#!t on everything.”
My husband and I could barely leave the house without someone commenting, “Hey, are you still moving mountains?” or “Keep moving those mountains!” John and I often joked that #MoveMountains was a celebrity in our rural USA community.
I quickly learned that #MoveMountains made me and my business notable, recognizable, and memorable. It was then that I began researching and studying how important hashtags are to growing a business.
Think of hashtags as keywords in your favorite search engine
As a master coach and business booster, one of the most asked questions I get is, “What are the best ways to leverage hashtags?” Think of hashtags as keywords in your favorite search engine. The simple answer is you start digging!
Go to the social media sites where your target market hangs out and start a list of hashtags that fit your brand and industry. Review the most popular ones, which of those could you incorporate? Also, think of a problem you solve and your business’ tagline. What unique, identifiable hashtags could evolve? Stalk your competitors [online only, of course], what hashtags are they using?
I’m not suggesting that you use all the most popular hashtags or copy and paste your competition’s hashtags. What am recommending is that you use a mix of popular, relevant, and branded hashtags.
In the business coaching industry…
A popular hashtag is #TheFutureIsFemale
A relevant hashtag is #BusinessCoach
A branded hashtag is #AngieGiltner
Pro tip: I encourage you to forgo analyzing whether to incorporate capital letters in your hashtags…or not. Either #movemountains or #MoveMountains is acceptable. Whatever format you chose, being consistent is key. I use capital letters to ease skimmability.
Using too many hashtags will clutter up your message and your brand will appear unprofessional

I suggest having a fine balance of 5-10 hashtags with a mixture of tested popular, relevant, and branded that are consistently used. This strategy keeps you #notable, #recognizable, and #memorable. Adding hashtags for relevant holidays, special offers, shout outs, etc. are fun and keeps the conversation going with your target market. Using too many hashtags will clutter up your message and your brand will appear unprofessional. Consistently using the same #hashtags create trust. 81% of consumers said that they need to be able to trust the brand to buy from them.
Pro Tip: If you’re a personal brand, one of your hashtags should be your name. Always use your business’ name as hashtag to ease findability.
Want to learn more about the proper use of hashtags and other proven social media strategies for your business? Check out more of our social media articles, consider joining the Fempire Academy or click below to work with me. I will help you develop 5-10 hashtags and provide education regarding other marketing strategies to attract your ideal customer who is willing to pay what your goods/services are worth because you’re worth more!
Until next time, keep #MovingMountains!

Angie is a trailblazer who is passionate about empowering female entrepreneurs to attract their ideal customers and grow their businesses with techniques that won’t break the bank. With her background in social work, Angie knows how to quickly move you from self-doubt to confident businesswoman.