Are you passionate about what you do?
You’ve probably heard me talk about pursuing your passion—how in order to be a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, or brand builder…you’re going to have to know your WHY and you’re going to have to be passionate about what you’re doing.
But is that really enough?
In my experience, passion will give you the courage to take that first step, but may not always be enough to keep pushing forward.
Passion will give you the courage to take that first step, but may not always be enough to keep pushing forward.
But before I get into exactly what that is, I’d like you to think about these two words – PASSION and OBSESSION.
What do they mean to you? How would you describe them?
Are You Passionate About Your Business?
The word Passion brings about visions of love and excitement… of following your heart and doing what you love. It might be a hobby you like to devote your spare time to or something you think about when you wake up in the morning and as you fall asleep at night. It’s something that makes you smile – that thing you’d rather do more than anything else.
It’s a romantic notion and is vital to a happy life.
Then you have Obsession, commonly stereotyped as passion’s much darker counterpart.
Obsession is much heavier – relentless. It has the power to take over large parts of your life and influence every decision you make.
Passion can exist alongside other things and can complement other aspects of your life. It can also occur in a vacuum. You can go to work, doing what you’re passionate about, and then come home and do other things you’re also passionate about.
Has That Passion Become an Obsession?
Your Obsession, on the other hand, will colour every part of your life. It’s the driving factor behind every move you make, every step you take… (you know the song).

Until now, you may have thought of Obsession as a bad thing.
And don’t get me wrong, it can be.
But only when you’re obsessing over something that is unhealthy for you. That may be an obsession with video games, with another person, or perfection…

But when you’re talking about your business, obsession can be a beautiful thing.
When you are obsessed with the manifestation of your passion in this world, then you’re more likely to be successful.
Your business is always on your mind.
Are your customers happy? What do they need that they’re not getting?
What segment of the market do you need to reach and what type of marketing will get the job done?
When questions like these run through your mind during every waking moment, you will be hyper-aware of everything you see and do that pertains to the questions at hand.
Answers will materialise from everyday activities; words, colours, shapes, and people will light the bulbs that bring bright ideas. Nearly everything in your world will translate to business advice; because you’re uber-focussed. Your mind is obsessed and will easily pick up on everything that relates to that obsession.
Nearly everything in your world will translate to business advice; because you’re uber-focussed. Click To TweetWhen you’re obsessed with your business, you’ll never have to struggle to find words when talking to potential clients. The material will flow freely from you… because that’s all you think about. You’ll always be ready with information to share.
Obsession Helps You Grow
You will no longer work to avoid research and other types of learning. Your mind will be ravenous; you’ll want to devour everything you can that relates to your field. This will create expert status in less time than most, meaning that you’ll advance more quickly than the rest.
Soon, the community you serve will begin to view you as an invaluable resource. Your notoriety within your industry will skyrocket, and your business will get the attention it deserves.
Your notoriety within your industry will skyrocket, and your business will get the attention it deserves.
Time Flies When You’re Doing What You Love
And when you’re obsessed, time will not only pass quickly, you’ll accomplish more in that time. If you’ve ever worked in a job you dislike, you know that the days move slowly and you struggle to accomplish anything notable. When you’re obsessed with your career, however, hours fly by because you’re focused and productive: two things that are critical to business success.
Obsession really does make everything about your business better.
You’ll deliver a superior product or service because you’re well-read and educated beyond your competitors. You’ll be a valuable resource for your sisterhood. And you’ll flourish because you’re doing the one thing you would choose over everything else.
Does it Come Naturally to You?
However, there’s a catch: You can’t improve your business’s achievement and growth expectations by simply becoming obsessed with your business.
It isn’t really a conscious choice. And you can’t just flip on the obsession switch, deciding to become preoccupied with something you’re not all that passionate about.

In fact, I would venture to say that there’s only one thing you can ever become obsessed with…long term – and that thing was determined not by your choice, but by an inherent craving that was born with you and in you.
Are you passionate about your business? Are you passionate enough about it to become obsessed to the point of success?
If not, then it’s time to re-evaluate the direction in which your business is headed. If you’re not obsessed with what you’re doing, it’s time to make the switch. Putting off the move just because you’ve invested countless hours and tonnes of energy to this point is no excuse; all you’re doing is delaying your bliss, as well as the bliss of all those people who need the obsessed version of you.
Has your business become an obsession? Let’s talk about it in the comments below!
Do you have a business you’re obsessed with making a success? Get in touch to learn more about how a Fempire Certified Coach can help grow your business xx
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Marnie LeFevre is the Founder of Fempire. She is also a #1 bestselling author and marketing expert who has made it her mission to support women to achieve the success they deserve and to lead with confidence. She believes women can achieve anything with the right support and a sisterhood to back them up.