Magazine // Fempire Team

How to Make Your Product Launch a Spectacular Success

Have you ever tried to launch something and it flopped?  Did you pour your heart and soul into an offer that you were super proud of and yet no one seemed to want it?  We see it all the time with new businesses. And it’s heart breaking when that happens.  But the good news is that it can be completely prevented with a comprehensive, powerful launch strategy. Where Do Launches Go Wrong? Launches go wrong when there’s no thought or strategy put into the build up period prior to...

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Woman standing in front of a white wall. Thinking about her ideal business.
Business SuccessCommunity

Meet Our Newest Fempire Coach, Treah Knight!

My name is Treah Knight - I am a Fempire Coach, women’s empowerment advocate, writer, beach lover, wife, and mother to three beautiful kids. My mission in business is to empower women to step into their greatness with the right balance of grace, flow and grit and to help all women discover their true potential to create a heart-driven, profitable business that lights them up.

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Business SuccessMarketing

A Technophobe’s Guide: 10 Super Simple Apps You Need to Start Using in 2021

Are you interested in finding easy to use apps that save you time AND money in business? If so, this one's for you! You will often hear me talk about the importance of streamlining and simplifying your business processes with third-party apps, and there's a reason for this. Using apps can save you time and money, and a lot of headaches when organising your business operations.  However, I know that a lot of small businesswomen aren't too keen on embracing new technology as it means...

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Business SuccessSales

How to Put More Profit in Your Pocket

It’s a great feeling, isn't it? Walking out of the accountant’s office after being told you have a great little business that is earning you $$$ net profit!  Finally, you are being recognised as a genuine female entrepreneur, a serious business mogul. You have actually turned your hobby or passion into something real, something that is going to make you RICH. It’s time to celebrate!  Making educated financial decisions for your business means you can confidently put more...

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MarketingOnline MarketingSales

The Confused Person Never Buys: How to Make Your Offerings Clear so You’ll Never Lose a Customer Again

You might have heard the saying: The confused person never buys. When we’re confused, we don’t purchase. Simple as that. We're sure you’ve been there yourself many times. You see something you’re interested in online, so you click through. But then you end up confused about exactly what they’re offering. Or maybe there are too many choices and you don’t know which one’s right for you. And because it’s all too hard and you’re busy, you bounce. You click away and get back to what you were...

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EmpowermentPersonal Growth

Passion, Risk and Commitment: The Exciting Life of an Entrepreneur

Who comes to mind when you hear the word entrepreneur?  Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Sheryl Sandberg, Gina Reinhardt, Janine Ellis?  While these are all great examples of entrepreneurs. The problem with only thinking about famous women is that they make it seem like an unattainable dream. We don’t necessarily align ourselves with being an entrepreneur of that scale of wealth - we're simply small business owners.  But everybody has to start somewhere.  And whilst you may not...

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