How To Boost Your Revenue Quickly With Google Reviews
Google reviews are an extremely powerful tool to attract clients and boost your revenue quickly. Did you know that they can help you to rank more highly in Google search results than businesses who use paid advertising or advanced (SEO) Search Engine Optimisation? Google reviews are an underestimated tool that can drastically increase your visibility and credibility, bringing you a consistent flow of leads and clients. In this article I’m going to explain how and why Google reviews are so powerful and how you can use them to your advantage.
How to Make it Easy for Your Perfect Customer to Find You
Today, we’re going to talk about how you can be sure you’re being seen in all the right places. As female entrepreneurs, we are naturally more in-tune with the people who need our services. However, we can easily be mistaken about where to find those people, or about what they need to see and hear to make them sit up and take interest. In this article I’ll teach you how to attract your ideal customers.
The Art of Content Marketing: How to Build Your Brand Credibility and Easily Win New Clients
Content Marketing builds trust, credibility and confidence in your brand. It provides value to the customer, and to turn your followers into paying clients. So how do you implement a Content Marketing strategy that allows you to be consistently visible, but doesn’t consume all your time? Here are 7 steps to help you build your Content Marketing strategy!
How to Sell Yourself (in Order to Sell a Service)
Focusing solely on selling your service is not enough. You need to learn how you can sell yourself. In this article, Marnie teaches you how to do just that.
Women in Business: Why they Under-Charge
It’s an epidemic: Business women are charging too little for their products and services. As a result, they’re over-working themselves just to keep up. Sound familiar? Do you find yourself working extra hours or making financial sacrifices in order to...KEEP READING