Branding, Business Success, Sales
Are you comfortable telling your prospects what makes you so great at what you do? If not, you need to be! When it comes to marketing and selling your products or services, people will only know why they should work with you if you tell them…
Empowerment, Personal Growth
Did you know that businesses founded by women show significantly better financial returns, more than twice as much per dollar invested, than those that are male-led?
Yet, only 34% of businesses in Australia are owned and operated by women. Why is this the case? The short answer is – the Confidence Gap.
Marketing, Online Marketing, Sales
You might have heard the saying: The confused person never buys. When we’re confused, we don’t purchase. Simple as that. We’re sure you’ve been there yourself many times. You see something you’re interested in online, so you click through. But then you end up...KEEP READING
Business Success, Empowerment, Sales
When you think of the perfect salesperson, you probably picture a man. You know the one, he’s at your front door with a smarmy smile, darting eyes, and slick pitch about why you NEED to buy what he’s selling. Is that just me? Okay, so I know I’m...KEEP READING
Business Success, Personal Branding, Sales
Focusing solely on selling your service is not enough. You need to learn how you can sell yourself. In this article, Marnie teaches you how to do just that.
Marketing, Online Marketing, Personal Growth, Sales
How do you feel after scheduling a meeting with a potential client? Do you break out in a cold sweat? Do you think about calling in sick? And, Do you resolve early on not to worry too much. About losing the sale because you’re “just not that good at...KEEP READING