Magazine // Fempire Team
Personal Growth

Four Simple Reasons Why Your Fixed Mindset Might be Holding Your Business Back

Are you worried about your business right now? I’m going to guess that yes you are - everyone is at some point. The world challenges us all. It seems that the right time to focus on your business is always yesterday or tomorrow - any time but right now. Yesterday is already gone and tomorrow never comes - how true is this saying?  Today is all we have. So, with that in mind let’s talk about what is stopping you from moving forward in your business. I am talking about your biggest...

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BloggingOnline MarketingSales

The Art of Content Marketing: How to Build Your Brand Credibility and Easily Win New Clients

Content Marketing builds trust, credibility and confidence in your brand. It provides value to the customer, and to turn your followers into paying clients. So how do you implement a Content Marketing strategy that allows you to be consistently visible, but doesn’t consume all your time? Here are 7 steps to help you build your Content Marketing strategy!

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A laptop, notebook and coffee under the bed.
Business SuccessCommunity

Opportunity in the Chaos: How Fempire has Pivoted to Survive the COVID-19 Crisis

These are crazy times. Less than four weeks ago. Our Fempire team was busily preparing for our big national tour of Australia. Which would consist of a five-city tour (Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney). To inspire, educate & empower women in business with free marketing and social media trainings. Our live, in-room training events of 200+ ladies are also the way we promote our business and coaching programs. To generate new clients and revenue. We’d had the biggest number...

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Business SuccessPersonal Growth

The Reality for Women in Business: 11 Fascinating Things I Learned in My First Year as a Fempire Coach

In 2018 we had the privilege and honour of becoming part of Marnie LeFevre’s vision. To uplift and empower women in business by becoming a Fempire Business Coach for Women. Our mission at Fempire is to provide female entrepreneurs with the support, knowledge, & strategy. To bring their business dreams to life. Just as the Dalai Lama said, we believe that the world needs more ‘peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds’. Women are naturally drawn to these...

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The Reality for Women in Business 11 Fascinating Things I Learned in My First Year as a Fempire Coach

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