Facebook for Business: The Importance of a Presence There


A working desk with a laptop, sunglasses, and coffee.

How can women like me gain brand awareness and build visibility for our companies?

It seems to be the timeless, everlasting question on the minds of female business owners everywhere.

We all need low-cost methods for reaching and appealing to those consumers. We believe will benefit from and stay loyal to us.

And yet, we struggle.

One way to gain massive ground in this area is by employing the benefits offered by Facebook.

We all know that social media plays a major role in marketing strategies of all sorts; however, many don’t realise the enormous potential of Zuckerberg’s zenith.

Here are some of the most substantial reasons your business needs a Facebook presence:

It Builds Brand Awareness

  • In 2016, Facebook reported that its users spend an average of 50 minutes there every day. If your business isn’t occupying a portion of that time, then you’re missing out on a massive opportunity. Traditional marketing wisdom tells us that. In order for your marketing to even make a chink in the armour of your target audience members’ psyche. It must be seen a minimum of seven times. Known as the ‘effective frequency,’ marketers. Use metrics to determine how many times their particular audience needs to see an ad to ‘get it.’ Regardless of the number, Facebook is a great way to reach it. You’ve got to get into the space your ideal client is occupying. And put your brand in front of his or her eyes.

Deeper Insight into Your Ideal Client 

  • The better you know your ideal client, the more effective your marketing will be. In order to make an impact, you must speak their language. Make them feel as if you’re addressing them directly. The only way to do this is to get in there, in their circles and as a part of their daily lives. And guess what provides a great platform for doing that? You guessed it! Facebook. Follow your ideal clients and take note of the language they use. The times of day they’re most active on social media, the things that excite them, the things that bother them. And use what you learn to create campaigns that get their attention and keep it.

Show Your Business’s Personality 

  • People buy from people. Certainly you’ve heard that one before. So, if you’re not revealing who the people in your company are. How can you expect them to the make the connections necessary for selling? Facebook gives you the unparalleled capacity to demonstrate your business’s values. To share video and images that take followers inside the company. And to endear your customers to your brand with a language and style that’s all your own.

Build your Tribe 

  • The most successful organisations are those that establish a sense of community. A place where members (i.e. customers) feel that they truly belong. Facebook is a great way to build this type of community, both through business pages and with groups.

Enhance SEO 

  • When your ideal clients search the internet for solutions to their problems, you want to be found, right? Ensure this happens with a Facebook business page. It will increase the chances of your business being indexed with search results.

Promote Referrals and Profitable Connections 

  • The typical Facebook user has more than 200 friends (Pew). That’s 200 possible referrals (i.e. shares) for each person who comes in contact with your business. In their Facebook feed (either through organic posting or Facebook Ads). Are you going to let that opportunity for visibility slip through your fingertips?

I hope you’ve found this information helpful, and that you can see just how valuable Facebook can be to building your business.

Are you struggling with even setting up your Facebook page to begin with?

In the Fempire Academy, we have a video course called “Set up a Strong Facebook Business Page“. Where we walk you through setting up a Facebook business page from scratch. The Academy also holds what we call “Little Secrets” – a collection of short videos that share quick bites of knowledge. There’s a Little Secret in there called “Get More Likes on your Facebook Page”. Which lists some strategies for increasing the likes on your page. If you’re not already a member, you can check out the Academy site by clicking here.

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