One of the questions we’re asked most often by women in business is, “How can I multiply my chances of success?”
This isn’t a simple question to answer.
However, if I had to give just one response, it would be, “Hire a great business coach.”
Because with a great business coach, every action you take will be targeted, with an anticipated outcome. Nothing will be experimental—which means no wasting of time and resources.
A top business coach will push you to explore outside your comfort zone.
She will bring her years of experience to your growing business. She won’t be afraid to be honest with you—that’s because she’ll want what’s best for you and your business.
When you succeed, so does she. A great business coach will listen to you as you express your dreams, will act as a confidante, will work to expand your network, and will bolster your self-confidence. She will hold you accountable for keeping promises, so you can meet your business goals.
A great business coach will listen to you as you express your dreams, will act as a confidante, will work to expand your network, and will bolster your self-confidence.
If you want any of that for yourself, it’s time to start thinking about working with a good business coach.
At Fempire, we have a formula for recruiting only the best business coaches. In this article I’m going to share that, and give you some tips for identifying the best business coach for you.
At Fempire, we have a formula for recruiting only the best business coaches. #fempire #businesscoaching #coach Click To TweetBut first, let’s talk about what you should be looking for in a business coach.
How to Identify a Great Business Coach
So we’ve established that you need a business coach. That is, unless you want to spend years learning (the hard way) what another woman has already learned and is eager to pass along to you.
You need a business coach. That is unless you want to spend years learning (the hard way) what another woman has already learned and is eager to pass along to you.
So how will you know which one’s right for you? And the best-of-the-best in your specific industry?
Here are some things to look for:
Experience is Vital
Everyone is a coach nowadays.
Some coaches will have been successful in their careers and moved into coaching others will have completed a quick course and hung out their shingle.
But a top business coach will have experience. They will be working with a variety of businesses and have evidence of their past and present successes. They will bring a world of knowledge and know-how that an inexperienced coach will not be able to lay claim to.
A top business coach will have experience. They will be working with a variety of businesses and have evidence of their past and present successes. They will bring a world of knowledge and know-how that an inexperienced coach will not… Click To TweetAsk him what he has accomplished?
Does she understand the finance and the marketing aspects of growing a business?
Does he have first-hand personal or client stories to tell about circumstances similar to yours? What did he learn? What pitfalls can he tell you about…and steer you around?
Is she up to date on recent marketing and social media changes?
Is she aware of changes in your specific industry? Can she give you the type of advice that will make your business relevant in today’s market?
If you are speaking with a male business coach, how much experience has he had with female-led businesses and the unique challenges women face? This is more important than you may realise.
Ask for testimonials, too. Look for consistency among all of them—this will tell you where his or her strengths lie.
An inexperienced coach may also be cheaper, however, do you really want your business to be someone’s experiment?
An inexperienced coach may also be cheaper, however, do you really want your business to be someone’s experiment? #businesscoach #businesscoachingforwomen Click To Tweet
Positive Attitude
If a coach has exuberance for her work, you will be able to detect that immediately.
Look for someone who’s happy to “talk shop,” who’s passionate about the subject of your business, and the market in which you work.
For example, if you are a hairdresser and it is obvious that your coach is not interested in your industry, then I suggest you find another coach!
Her optimistic outlook should be contagious and genuine. She needs to be passionate about your business’s niche too.
A top business coach will not keep industry secrets to himself.
He will be eager to share. If you get the sense that this coach only wants to give you the low-hanging fruit, keep looking.
How easy was it to schedule your first meeting or call with this potential coach?
If she’s hard to reach now, that could be an indication that communication will be difficult if you work together.
You’ll want to hire a coach who stays in contact and makes herself available to you.
Personal & Brand Reputation
How well-known is the coach you’re thinking about hiring?
Does he have a good reputation? Does his brand have a good reputation, does it look professional?
What does her website and social media look like?
If his brand isn’t professional, how will he be able to give you advice on yours?
Network & Reach
You probably also know that networking is essential to business success, and the more influential people she can introduce you to, the better.
Is your coach attached to a global brand like Fempire that has far-reaching connections across many business professionals and locations?
If he isn’t connected to the person you’re looking for, can he reach out to a network that could be?
Technology & Training
Technology plays a large role in the success of a coach/client relationship. It should be easy to plan and book meetings, gain extra training when needed and track your results.
Is booking coaching meetings easy online?
Can you connect with him in other ways than a phone call or email?
Does she use project management software and/or a CRM to make coaching an easier, more streamlined experience?
Does he have online training available or a membership site to support your learning as an entrepreneur?
Experienced coaches deliver a suite of solutions for their clients to access, not just pay-by-the-hour coaching.
Experienced coaches deliver a suite of solutions for their clients to access, not just pay-by-the-hour coaching. #fempirecoach #bizcoach Click To TweetYes, you get that too, but they should deliver so much more with the use of technology and online training to back up their coaching and support.
Greater Coaching Community
A great coach knows that one of the biggest struggles of an entrepreneur is loneliness and isolation.
They also understand that surrounding yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs can make a huge difference to your well-being and your results.
Ask him if he has a community of coaching clients that you can communicate with whilst coaching?
Does she run a private Facebook group? Does she have a forum or offer in-room group experiences or networking?
The more you surround yourself with like-minded people that inspire, support and understand your struggles, the better your chances of success.
Please don’t ignore this vital element when looking for a business coach!
What Makes a Fempire Coach a Great Coach?
Business is an entirely different playing field for women than it is for men, and we’ve tailored our coaching to support this and all of our coaches are women for a reason – because we “get it” as only women can.
Business is an entirely different playing field for women than it is for men, and we’ve tailored our coaching to support this and all of our coaches are women for a reason – because we “get it” as only women can.
Our coaches and the Fempire brand tick all of the above boxes and then some!
So with that in mind, we also use the following criteria to recruit and train Fempire coaches:
First-Hand Experience
Women in business face countless invisible roadblocks. All Fempire coaches must have experience in navigating and overcoming these obstacles.
Entrepreneurial Success
No matter the prospective coach’s experience, she must know what it takes for women, specifically, to find success as an entrepreneur.
Honesty and Sincerity
A great business coach will be willing to hold their clients accountable, give them honest and helpful advice, be able to view the business without bias…all while understanding a woman’s unique challenges, without excuses.
Feminine Confidence
A great female coach is confident as a woman, and doesn’t attempt to lead like a man would, in order to fit in or make it in the world of business.
She will pass this empowerment along to her clients.
All Fempire Coaches demonstrate equal parts intelligence, kindness, firmness and fairness.
She understands what it takes to run a business, a life and everything in between.
Any woman wishing to work as a Fempire Coach must have proven entrepreneurial knowledge and experience.
She goes through rigorous training to fill any small gaps in her knowledge and she is backed up by the support of a powerful community of female coaches with a variety of experience, knowledge and know-how.
She also has access to the Fempire team for further support or advice, if needed.
To be accepted as a coach within the Fempire brand she will have proven herself as a credible coach. In no way can she hang out her shingle and claim to be a Fempire Coach without reaching our high standards first.
Fempire Trained
Fempire teaches eager businesswomen to learn, achieve, live and lead others using the Fempire business system.
All Fempire coaches are expected to have high-level business and marketing skills, excellent mindset and motivational skills, solid financial acumen and an infectiously positive, can-do attitude.
Moving Forward with Finding a Great Business Coach
Much of choosing your business coach is intuitive.
Yes, look at the facts and make sure this person has everything you need. Then, allow your heart to lead the way.
Who just feels right? With whom do you feel synergy? In what direction is your insight pointing you?
Your business coach should be someone with whom you feel comfortable, whose skills you admire, who understands what it’s like to be in your shoes, whom you know will hold you accountable and help you deliver results…so you can realise your business dreams!
Your business coach should be someone with whom you feel comfortable, whose skills you admire, who understands what it’s like to be in your shoes, whom you know will hold you accountable and help you deliver results…so you can realise your business dreams!
If you would like to connect with a coach through Fempire, you can connect with us here.
We’ll ask a few simple questions, identify the best Fempire business coach for you and put you in touch.
Or, if you think becoming a Fempire Coach would be a great fit for you, visit our Become a Coach page and apply to speak with one of our team to find our more.
If you’ve had a positive coaching experience with our coaches in the past, let us know about it in the comments below! Or if you can think of someone in your sisterhood who could benefit from having a business coach, share this article with them now. xox

Marnie LeFevre is the Founder of Fempire. She is also a #1 bestselling author and marketing expert who has made it her mission to support women to achieve the success they deserve and to lead with confidence. She believes women can achieve anything with the right support and a sisterhood to back them up.