
How to Win More Clients with a Powerful Customer Value Journey

Marketing and selling are all about building relationships, and people only buy from people they know, like, and trust. When was the last time you bought something from someone who you don’t know or trust? I’m guessing you’re like the rest of us, and you’ve never done that.

It takes time to build a relationship and there are roughly eight different stages.

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Female entrepreneur sitting on her desk, writing on her notebook with her laptop.

How to Stay Positive and Motivated While Working from Home

As a female business owner working from home seems like a great idea. There's no need to go to the office every day, no business attire and no unwanted social interactions. The loud noise from your colleagues, the buzzing sounds of the photocopying machine and all the other office distractions suddenly disappear.

However, the excitement of working from home may slowly fade away once you fall into a routine, especially if you feel the need to socialize.

To avoid this feeling, you must learn how to be productive, how to stay in touch with your employees and clients/customers, and how to stay motivated in your new home office.

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ProductivitySocial Media

Learn How to Become a Content Batching Queen and Stop Social Media Overwhelm

Building an engaged social media platform for your small business is no joke. It’s not something you can set and forget, or half-ass. It takes planning, time, and commitment.

Expecting to grow your social media following while only posting once in a blue moon is like doing a few sit ups and expecting to suddenly develop a six pack - it’s just not going to happen. You need to put in the work - You need to start content batching.

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Woman writing in notebook
Social Media

5 of Our Best Social Media Posting and Scheduling Tools of 2021

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer number of social media scheduling tools out there?

It seems like more and more companies are popping up every day offering to take the work out of posting to your social media. But which one should you choose - what is the best option?

Like a lot of relationship statuses on Facebook, the answer to that question is complicated. There is no one perfect social media management tool - each has their pros and cons.

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Calendar schedule with womans hands

How JL Found her Purpose on the Other Side of Trauma

Marnie recently had the opportunity to chat with one of our Fempreneur graduates, and founder of JLKeez Anorexia Unlocked, JL Keez. With the central purpose of using her past experiences to help others, JL weaves her story into her programs so clients may use this to heal from their pasts and their eating disorders.  

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Sisterhood Stories: How JL found her purpose on the other side of trauma

What Makes a Fempire Coach, a Fempire Coach?

Did you know that Fempire is the number one business coaching brand for women? After running a successful coaching business for several years, Marnie found that there was a high demand for business coaches who understood women and how to deal with the unique issues they face in business. And she realised that in order to help support more businesswomen, she would need to build a system that supported female business coaches, and Fempire and the Fempire Coaching Certification was born!

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Pictures of female business coach of Fempire International

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