CommunityEmpowermentMarketingPersonal Growth

Winner of our First-Prize Scholarship Announced

If you hadn't heard about Fempire's Scholarship Opportunity. Then you didn't know we were giving away more than $50,000 worth of education and membership to 31 deserving women. The highest award was worth over $4,000. Including a $3,500 scholarship to attend our 3-day Fempreneur Course. As well as 12-month access to our online Fempire Academy. They awarded 30 scholarships of $1,100. Along with 12-month access to the online academy (for a total value of $1,688 each). We received over 150...

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A smiling face of a woman winning a scholarship.
MarketingOnline MarketingPersonal GrowthSales

You Can LOVE to Sell

How do you feel after scheduling a meeting with a potential client? Do you break out in a cold sweat? Do you think about calling in sick? And, Do you resolve early on not to worry too much. About losing the sale because you're "just not that good at this"? There's a problem—and it's not you. Because you're a woman. Most of the things you've been taught about selling don't apply. That's why it's not working (and the reason you're not enjoying it). Does that mean you're wrong for the job? No....

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A female entrepreneur doing online selling.

Creating Your Customer Avatar

You're a woman with a start-up. You had a brilliant business idea, and now you're getting all your ducks in a row so you can take it to your town…or the world. Your product has been created. The logo is hot off the presses and you just hired your first employee. Now what? It's time to take it to market, right? Not so fast. You've missed something—something that could be the most important thing your business will create. It's a customer avatar, and without it, you really don't have a...

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A one hand pointing at the women making a phone call

Find Your Target Market

Find your Target Market? Imagine having an entire pool of ideal clients just waiting to hear from you. To interact with your business and to buy from it. As a woman in business, you've probably got lots of friends and associates. Who are willing to support your work and to spread the word about you. But how many of them are your dream clients? Thank your family and friends for their help. And then set out to find the group of people who have been waiting for a brand just like yours. This...

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A women entrepreneur holding a binocular. Searching for Target Market

5 Reasons to Grow your Business with the Power of Blogging

You've heard it again and again: You should be blogging. Not only are you unsure about why you need to be blogging, you cannot fathom how other female business owners are using their blogs to drive traffic to their websites…and even creating income for their brands.

We've seen it happen again and again, and have compiled a list of tips and tricks for creating a blog from nothing.

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Women entrepreneur sitting in her work table, writing in her notebook beside with her laptop and coffee.
Graphic DesignMarketing

The Real Value of Great Graphic Design

What is graphic design? Is an artist with tools far more advanced than a paintbrush just digitally 'drawing' pretty pictures? Or is it the communication of ideals, values and promises through visuals? Is it problem-solving through the use of fonts, lines, shapes and colours? Is it the use of non-verbal psychology to attract, convince and win? As you've probably guessed, graphic design is far more than indiscriminate images that look nice. According too, they're non-verbal...

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A female entrepreneur sitting in her desk.

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